About Me

Known as: Nk
Years of existence: 21
In: Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada
Originally from: Muscat, Oman
Go to Uni @ SMU

cookies & brownies

the closed minded


English Sabla
Blastro Music Videos
Quizzed Out
Adam Harris
Paulo Coelho

Blogger Archives

June 2006
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May 2008
July 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Testing it out

It was only after the lunch gathering and after the hustle, bustle and noise of my models - 3 children and 2 toddlers, it was only when they were gone that i learnt something useful. To take pictures of moving subjects, change the "shot" setting from 'single shot' to 'AI'. I tried using 'multiple shot' but to be honest i only wanted to get one perfect shot of the kids, and if i missed it then that was it.

Most of my pictures came out blurry and not as sharp and clear as i wanted them to be. This is also because my ISO settings were probably too high for indoors. So between the ISO and shot settings, at least i know what to fiddle around with for next time.

I think the manual also mentioned that using a high ISO settings can also extend the reach of the flash. How true that actually is, i'll have to find out sometime. But for now, just like what i want in life, my shots aren't crystal clear. But hopefully i'll get there.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

This blog still lives?

Soo before I used to use the blog just for my random personal thoughts. I'll still put some personal stuff up here, but i'll be using it for my exploring with the new camera i'll be getting tomorrow afternoon.

The Canon EOS 500D, also known as the Digital Rebel T1i or the Kiss X3 Digital.

Entering between the amateur 450D and the more prosumer 50D model, the 500D is the first entry-level camera to include HD video. Not exactly what i wanted to use the camera for, but granted its a plus.
Its 15.1 MP Sensor, high ISO of up to 12,800 for low light conditions and up to 3.4fps as well as a 3-inch LCD are the main highlights for this baby.

When i get it, it should come with a 4GB memory card, standard kit lens and maybe a camera case. Since this will be my first DSLR, the Canon EOS Beginner's FAQ will be my main guide as well as just me exploring and fiddling with everything on my own.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

eeew .. work on fridaaay!

Hehe, my first day of work was great. I didn't really do too much, but the things they want me to do are pretty sweet cuz im interested in them in the first place!
They want me to research wikis, blogs, mashups, SecondLife, Elluminate and how they can all be potentially used for online courses!
Once i've mastered the applications they're going to use, they want me to create a manual to help others use it, and maybe even do workshops to help groups of prof's or students use the applications! I have to draft up a proposal to see if SecondLife is worth them venturing in to for online courses.

The job is being split between 2 people, myself and this other guy, but he hasn't accepted the job yet. This could mean that i might be assigned to the full-time position after-all! What does that mean? Well, i'll have less time on my hands than when i thought i'd be doing 15 hours, but the money will compensate for all that.

My only concern is balancing it all if i did have to do the full time thing, and asking to get off for the 2 weeks when i go home... Two weeks is a long time when it comes to work. Maybe they'll let me work from home.

Time will definitely fly by once i'm home though.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

all in the name of progress

The world we are living in gets scarier by the minute. We've grown so accustomed to voilence in the world, that we've tuned it out as an every-day report on the news. Researchers have even gotten to the point of creating Abortion pills. Like it's just some everyday occurrence. Hey all you couples out there fornicating and having intercourse, guess what? No need to use any form of protection anymore - if your girl gets pregnant, she just has to go visit her doctor and sign up for the Abortion Pill!
That's right, they've made a pill available for you to kill your unborn child, doctors don't even have to perform surgery to get the baby out anymore. While I find abortions in general to be an abomination, i'm horrified at how convenient doctors are making things for women. Giving them the choice to play god and kill the embryo that could have been their child.

More info about the Abortion Pill

PS - Kate's pregnant.